25 Stay-In Date Night Ideas
Its been a good month and a half since we’ve been under a stay-at-home order here in Ohio, and although many places are beginning to open back up, there’s still a lot of things that we can’t do that we miss a ton. Concerts, ball games, parties, festivals, and many other events have been cancelled through the summer and even the end of this year. For couples, this means we may have to start getting a little creative with date nights. I created a list (with the help of some amazing couples) of some “stay-at-home” date nights you can do during this time (or any other time you want to have a date night from home!). Some of the ideas include links, so be sure to check them out!
Here are some ideas I got from my IG followers:
1. Do a scratch off date book together - @stacey033
2. Get dressed up for a fancy Italian dinner - @rosebellecheri
3. Watch your favorite movies that your partner hasn’t seen, or their favorite movies that you haven’t seen - @simply_lydie
4. Fast food and picnicking - @photography_by_leannbethany
5. Do a home improvement project together - @gbmeyer10
6. Build a blanket fort - @emme.shover & @brandon.shover
7. Watch videos of Disney rides & fireworks - @kaeasterday
Some more stay-in date night ideas:
8. Go for a walk/try a new hike
9. Try a new, unique recipe together
10. Schedule a “front porch” or “FaceTime” session with a local photographer
11. Set up your phone with a timer and try your own “in-home” DIY photo session
12. Watch a Bob Ross painting tutorial together
13. Try “couples yoga” poses
14. Binge watch a new show together
15. Learn a new two player card game
16. Do a puzzle together OR have a puzzle race with two puzzles
17. Discover new music together
18. Create a post-quarantine bucket list
19. Watch old concert videos of some of your favorite artists
20. Watch old sports games from your favorite teams
21. Watch and follow a dance workout video on YouTube
22. Watch and follow a yoga video on YouTube
23. Video game night - Mario Cart anyone?
24. Have a cake decorating competition
25. Take a Myers Briggs or Enneagram test and learn more about yourselves
I hope these ideas are helpful as you plan more stay-in date nights this year! Above all, remember that intentional time with your partner is important. Your time together doesn’t have to be extravagant, but make it special, and cherish these moments to slow down with each other!